News & Updates
The European Minimum Wage Directive: What’s Next?
The European Directive on the minimum wage has always been a key tool to combat social dumping and create a level playing field for workers across the EU. Like many others, including European trade union organizations, I firmly support this directive as a means of...
Schluss mit der Big-Tech-Diktatur: Es ist Zeit für radikale Maßnahmen gegen Elon Musk und Co.
Die Demokratie steht auf dem Spiel. Nicht aufgrund eines bloßen Zufalls, sondern aufgrund der gezielten, systematischen Handlungen einer kleinen Elite mit unvorstellbarem Reichtum. Unter der Führung von Persönlichkeiten wie Elon Musk werden demokratische Werte in...
Stop the Big Tech Dictatorship: Time for Radical Action Against Elon Musk and Co
Democracy is at stake. Not due to a mere coincidence, but because of the deliberate, systematic actions of a small elite with unimaginable wealth. Under the leadership of figures like Elon Musk, democratic values are being eroded at an alarming pace. This is no...
Black Friday: The price that drivers pay
Black Friday is well known for being the biggest bargain day of the year for major online retailers. The discounts offered are big and turnover is enormous. But who actually pays the price? That’s right: the people who deliver the parcels and who work so hard every...
Discours au 14e congrès du CFDT-FGTE
Cher-e-s Collègues,Cher-e-s Camarades, J’ai le grand plaisir d’être présent aujourd’hui au 14ème congrès ordinaire de la CFDT-FGTE. Pour ceux qui ne me connaissent pas : Je m’appelle Frank Moreels et je suis le président de l’ETF, la Fédération Européenne des...
A Europe of closed barriers? No thanks!
Things are not going well for Europe. While countries like France and Germany reintroduce border controls within the Schengen zone, one of the biggest problems facing the transportation sector remains unanswered: social dumping. Instead of undermining the core of...
ITF Congress Marrakesh – Motion ‘Rights for Transport Workers’
We’re still at the ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation Congress, where today I introduced a motion on ‘The Rights of Transport Workers’, which was approved unanimously by all Congress delegates. Our rights are under attack. The fundamental rights that...
ITF Congress Marrakesh – “Shaping the Future of Work” panel
Today, on the “Shaping the Future of Work” panel, I shared how BTB has tackled the challenges of the platform economy. I discussed the key lessons we’ve learned from our agreement with Uber and how we’ve approached Amazon and other platform companies. Curious about...
ITF Congress Marrakesh – ITF Road Section priorities
Today, I had the honor of addressing the ITF Road Section, outlining the key priorities for the next five years. You can read my full speech below. Brothers and sisters, Talking about the priorities for the Road Section for the coming years is talking about...
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