Today, I had the honor of addressing the ITF Road Section, outlining the key priorities for the next five years.

You can read my full speech below.


Brothers and sisters,

Talking about the priorities for the Road Section for the coming years is talking about about protecting and empowering workers in the road transport industry.
The challenges we face are urgent, and recent events have made that clearer than ever. Take, for example, the truckers’ strike in Grafenhausen, Germany. Eastern European drivers were forced to endure appalling conditions—living for months in their trucks, denied their wages, and treated with complete disregard by exploitative subcontractors. These drivers had to strike just to demand what was owed to the: their salary. It was a fight for dignity, a reminder that exploitation remains rampant in our industry.

Our 2024-2029 strategy is built on three pillars: Expanding Membership, Exercising Power, and Transforming our Industry.

First, expanding membership. We must strengthen unions, especially in regions where organizing is difficult. Being close to workers, understanding their struggles on the ground, is key to growing our movement. We see this across Europe and around the world.

Second, exercising power. We need to focus on where we are already strong and expand to other sectors — especially warehousing, logistics, and e-commerce. Companies like Amazon, DHL, and UPS dominate the supply chain, and by organizing workers here, we can set industry standards. Our campaigns to hold these companies accountable, as some affiliates are already doing with Amazon, show that our collective power can improve conditions not just for a few, but for all.

Finally, transforming the industry. This is about making road transport an attractive and respected sector with decent working conditions. We need Safe Rates as a standard for everyone. Truckers should never have to fight for wages that are rightfully theirs. And, we must ensure better conditions for women and young workers by improving access to sanitation and safe parking facilities.

Our Global Safe Rates Campaign and our push for supply chain legislation will help drive these changes. By targeting key players in the global logistics industry, we can raise standards across the board. And by focusing on women’s inclusion, we can create an industry that is truly equal and respectful.

Together, with your solidarity and commitment, we will expand, we will exercise our power, and we will transform this industry into one that provides safety, fairness, and dignity for all.

Brothers ans sisters, our slogan is « we move the world ».
Well Brothers and sisters, let us move the world and make it a beter place for transport workers!


Frank Moreels ITF Congress Marrakech Road Section

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