“I truly believe that as a trade union you have no choice but to be active internationally.”
A trade union perspective on a changing society
This book is a call for working people, especially trade unionists, to understand the decisions being made in Brussels and Geneva, in Europe and worldwide. Decisions that affect their working conditions, working environment, safety and wages.
Frank Moreels points out that improvements worldwide will not just happen by themselves. Putting pressure on political leaders, multinational companies and international bodies is essential for fighting inequality and for making sure that wealth is distributed fairly.
This book draws on Frank Moreels’ own experience and trade union practices and is enriched with fascinating insights by guest contributors from national and international trade union stakeholders.
With the European elections in June 2024 and the International Transport Workers’ Federation congress in October 2024 on the horizon, this book provides a valuable source of ideas for participating in the approaching debates.
Allow The world belongs to us to be your inspiration for igniting the fire of change.
About Frank
Born in Kortrijk in 1961.
His career started in 1983 as a training officer at the ABVV Youth and a few years later he was appointed national manager of the ABVV Youth. It was then ABVV President François Janssens who recruited Frank as director in 1990, responsible for organising congresses, campaigns and national and international events.
In 2006, he makes the move to the Belgian Transport Association (BTB), where he becomes Federal Secretary Road Transport & Logistics.
In 2016, he was also appointed president of the BTB, the federation representing the interests of workers in road transport & logistics, aviation, ports, inland navigation & merchant navy and fisheries. He buttons up the fight against social dumping in all BTB sectors and puts his shoulders to the ‘Fair Transport’ campaign.
Besides his functions within BTB, Frank is very active at the international level. Since 2017, he has been president of the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and since 2018 he has been vice-president of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).
Let’s go for fair transport globally
Read Frank’s vision of what international unionism in the transport sector can look like. Dynamic, ambitious, innovative, … but true to it’s trade union roots.
This text was also approved as a motion of current affairs at the latest Statutory Congress of his organisation BTB.
The manifesto is available in multiple languages: English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Turkish and Bulgarian.
Candidacy for ITF president
An interview with Frank explaining why he is running for the ITF presidency. It highlights his vision of how we can make ITF even stronger through innovation and adaptation to current social and economic realities. It also gives his views on the key challenges he believes ITF faces.
The interview is available in English, Arab, Bulgarian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Turkish.